from the desert ...
On 7 Day in the desert I was walking in the morning to go to protect my bottom. EMule, my camel was good after me. I walk at the far end, next to me running Abda and Elias with his hands and feet and we practice in conversation. Suddenly starts to laugh Abda, right after that and Elias. I am at a loss and look around. Then I discover the reason for the sudden joy ... My torrent is 20 m away from us peacefully and munches on a bush while I have been a little while strutting a rope behind me - but without turn camel. What we have laughed tears!
One evening in the desert, I looked for a quiet place for my "Evening Shower" to do Klogang incl. I am looking for a quiet corner, far from the camp. Behind a large boulder I put my things off and make me turn down even let my pants. As I look around me again and as if I had known it, kneels as yet 10 meters from one of our guides, and is engrossed in his prayer - he has not seen me. And I only quickly gone, yes I will not scare the locals a fright ... ;)
One afternoon, after the afternoon snack I wanted to grab my bag and I start looking for a suitable place to sleep. Our cook had Hatari, however, other plans for me - he took me gently by the arm and sat down with the Tuareg to the fire. Abda was silent and busy cooking tea while Muhammad and Elijah looked at the photos. Veiled Knight of the desert on their white Mehari - And on each photo was a friend or relative of any recognized and proclaimed loudly. I sat very small between the boys and sipped the sweet tea and was pleased with our guys on every recognized relatives or friends in the photos.
The Tuaregs and camels, that's a very special relationship. It started so that the camels were running faster right around twice as one of the Tuareg was sitting on it. With us, the tourists were accustomed chameaux an easier transition. I found quite fascinating how much the camels to a specific dull, loud responded. Once Meloud uttered this sound, turned heads all the camel to him and all controlled up to him - no matter what we tried and poor tourist who only followed the call of their camels Cheffe.
middle of the desert we have some quite unexpected begen ... Lumpkins was one of them. On the third day, a thin, bright little dog came to our camp. He stayed several meters away from us and did not dare to come closer. He was interested and watched us constantly. That evening, our cook gave him the leftovers from dinner. And since we had won Lumpi with a friend. He followed the group and was from then on with it, we all had our "flea cushion" to my heart.
The Tuareg were initially a bit skeptical, but eventually Meloud has adopted our Lumpkins and the evening has also tried to tie him. However, it remained in the attempt, Lumpkins was not a lot of leash and collar and chewed through the tape of hand. So devoted and affectionate our Lumpkins was - so he made but also for the odd moment of shock. It checks eg Martin quite puzzled out the laundry when he tried to distort the evening in his sleeping bag, our Lumpi but had already made it wide. Or as I evening, already half asleep dozing on off operations in the sleeping bag was because Lumpi like a Beserker came rushing in the dark in order to get his Gutenachtstreicheleinheiten. But we had him all to my heart and Meloud took them in after the home, in the oasis city of Ghat.