Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What Are The Rule Of The Board Game Frustration

7 film databases - An interim report

Over the last three weeks, we analyzed seven different movie database tools intensively. With some developers, we have held consultations and corrected the odd fact.

first film databases Series: Ant Movie Catalog , eXtreme Movie Manager ; 2 Series: My Movies, All My Movies , Movie Collector , CATVids , XBMC

in our movie database list is more than 20 programs to be analyzed and the blog now threatens to become unwieldy. A simple comparison of the different functions would not be appropriate because the tools are simply too different. Therefore, we will now try to provide an overview of the programs studied to date. We consider the similarities, differences, target groups and trends.

operating systems
First, the tool must run its course on the preferred operating systems. All presented tools run on Microsoft operating systems from Windows XP.

eligible for Mac users only XBMC , Movie Collector and not yet presented platform-independent programs in question. On Linux can also use XBMC. Also offers the only My Movies a Linux version.

are available for Windows users that is open all doors.

An important criterion for or against a particular film administration is the price.
Ant Movie Catalog , My Movies and XBMC be provided for free by a very dedicated community, or individual programmers.

Who more emphasis on support and continuous development shall be better served with the paid tools like All My Movies , CATVids , eXtreme Movie Manager or Movie Collector .
It can be all the tools presented to test for free.

data synchronization with Internet
Each of the tools we have presented, can the details of a film with the Internet Syndicate. The commercially used (s) online movie database (s) and the requested movie data differ from product to product.
  • Movie Collector gets its data from its own database, which is maintained by the users of the program.
  • The My Movies is fixed to the German OFDB wired. This puts it firmly while, but receives a very fast data synchronization.
  • CATVids works exclusively with the Do for movie data and cover images for Amazon.
  • In XBMC a list of so-called "scraper" is stored, with select for a search only ever be a "scraper" for movies, series and documentaries can be.
  • All My Movies working with plugins for searching in various databases.
  • The Ant Movie Catalog
  • and eXtreme Movie Manager provide a scripting language for the purchase of movie data and offer a maximum flexibility.

data entry and target groups
The tools presented in the blog differ sometimes very strongly in the possibilities of the creation and maintenance of the local film database.

The XBMC only uses the automated scanning of directories on local disks or network. The user has to specify the source of the search no more intervention and can focus completely on Search and focus of the detected viewing movies.

very different things started CATVids . Here the user can maintain the data of the films with their own comments and data fields. For that he gets the assurance that exactly the desired data. The focus is on the cataloging of video tapes and DVD boxes. Films on the hard disk are more additions than the focal point of the movie database.

divided all other programs on the use and level of detail of data collection between XBMC and CATVids .

Personal data to deposit
addition to the film and series properties, it is the user in the tools also allows personal data to the movies, as rated Seen / Unseen. Data for an assessment to be based in large part of the used online movie database.

Unfortunately we noticed that most tools only allow one user per database, except XBMC . The consequence is that several people their preferences and experiences can not manage in a database. Especially not the state: Viewed. be

Some of the programs (eg Movie Collector and All My Movies ) thus applied to deal with series. In our opinion, unfortunately, not consistently enough. Up to CATVids it was deposited in any movie database for possible personal data series.

Future tools will help the user more in identifying and obtaining film data. The recognition of a film on the basis of a barcode via bar code scanner is only the beginning. Unfortunately there is not always a bar code scanner.

In the era of "smart phones" virtually every user of a camera. Meanwhile, there are programs that a bar code optical seen via a camera and even make the appropriate product attributes identified. For example, one with "My Collection" (available in the Android Market) optical scan barcodes of books and CD / DVDs and manage.

SnapTell The company goes one step further. Android phones and Apple's iPhone is a little tool is available that recognizes products on the basis of photos and the internet looking up. For example, we photographed the cover of the DVD "The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie" and can recognize via SnapTell.

It remains to be seen to what extent future film databases make use of innovative detection technologies.

Links DVD "The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie," the right search results from SnapTell

All in all, most film administrations very database-heavy so they're feeling more as a maintenance tool for databases. As a result, most programs are more suitable for collectors who like to stay for hours to your movie list to wait. The casual user who is more interested in quickly is to find an appropriate movie to watch on the track. An exception is XBMC .

We have a lot in the analysis Had fun and learned a lot. There are very promising approaches. The ultimate user-friendly movie database, we have so far not yet identify.

We stay on the ball

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chester Hot Fries Halal

XBMC - Film Management - Review

The XBMC (Xbox Media Center) is a complete Media Center system for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and XBox. The software offers a variety of functions that can be easily controlled. Center of the system is the management and viewing or listening to music, images and video. We are dedicated to managing only the film by using the "media stream" Skin.

XBMC - main menu film opened

XBMC is an open source project that is being promoted since 2003 by more than 50 developers and can be used free of charge from any and expanded. In addition to the large number of computer platforms the software offers its services in over 30 translations that are more than 100 translators created and updated.

The interface of the program is mainly designed to operate by remote control and game pad. Operation with keyboard and mouse consists of the concept was only willing to resist because it is quite complicated in places, to use the menu with both. The menu is quite confusing in some views, as each view provides different perspectives and functions are well hidden. The issue is not just by the existing skinning system simpler. It may happen that a function in B Skin is in a very different place than in a skin A. Nevertheless, the "Consoleros" feel at home.

XBMC - with the current weather in Dresden

Unlike the film databases that we might have been analyzed at the XBMC media flow completely in focus. The database design is fixed and is more in the background. The user is given a functional framework with which to detect and investigate his films. Different areas of the database can be protected from other users. The program offers to profiles. In this case, several rights are granted to each profile. Sorry, can not represent the access to movies with, for example a certain age level. Only complete range will be blocked: movies, music, pictures.

XBMC - film list with unfolded configuration menu

A XBMC Database can be also in the form of XML import and ex-.

The software offers different ways to navigate through the media. The focus is on virtual directories that are containers, the media, according to certain criteria mentioned. For example, contains a list of all Genre genre. Each genre path in turn contains the films of the genre, etc. This can continue for a variety of criteria.

XBMC - Virtual paths in the movie database

films enter
Unlike other administrations in XBMC movie films inserted only by the scan of a disk. In our testing, the scan of the list was lengthy. The software scans in the background pre-set directories and tries to hand the names of files or folders movie information from various online services to obtain.

Which online service to be used in the settings can be global, and also for each source directory stored separately. In addition to all the cover images and movie data can also be downloaded fan art images. Fan-Art images are displayed by default in the background of any movie view, so the perception is reinforced for the film.

XBMC - a directory as a data source select

films are either played on the integrated player or with a selectable external player. The native player has all the features you need. Films have been viewed can be seen as marked. Films can be seen from lists hidden. In unseen films, the representation of the plot are turned off to not to take one's power.

If a DVD is inserted into the drive, it will be played immediately. Unfortunately, adding DVDs to the database is not provided.

XBMC - Integrated player with active controls

Search / Find
In the "media stream" skin is the view of the possibility of a film Do you make search. Unfortunately the search with various movie titles delivered any results. It always came back to the search dialog.

The user can search all types of records. This opens the search function, an input box where the desired search term is entered. Appear in a results found films, genres and people. Clicking on a result provides the information in XBMC a corresponding view dar.

XBMC - Open search dialog

let's filter feature films limit the displayed simple. You see only the titles that begin with the typed character group.

XBMC - Results for the search "and" in our test database

Another useful feature are the playlists. A playlist is larger on the basis of any film data in combination with predicates such as, created less than, contains. The brilliant thing about it is that a playlist is created can be all action movies, with a score greater than 7 contains from 2001. A playlist is also understandable as a virtual directory.

XBMC - Dialog for editing a "Smart Playlist"

design and interface of XBMC leave much to be desired. The feedback and the speed is breathtaking, thanks to 3D support. That such an extensive software for all platforms and is available free of active development is remarkable. In addition, we have the playlists with the arbitrary criteria very well fallen. The database approach to movies is simple and functional - all according to the statement "less is more".

The user profiles are in our opinion a good start, but not thought through. It is not clear why one can not lock individual film lists, eg to set up a profile just for kids movies.
is a pity, too, that the online search did not work. The functionality of a wish list is not present by default. In addition, the software is not for the great DVD collection. DVDs are not recorded as described in the film collection. The program works went ahead with files.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sore Back From Snowboarding

CATVids - Review

Today we write a story about an extremely complex film management software. We are talking about CATVids . CATVids can laserdiscs, CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs through the user created videos, and even manage video cassettes. That the tool includes a rental function need not be specially mentioned.

The software is commercially sold for $ 39.95 through the company FNProgramvare . CATVids can be tried in a fully functional trial version with a 25 film / series-title limit. The software can Windows XP, 2000, Vista and Windows 7 might be used, but unfortunately only in English language.

The test for the blog article for the version with 8:15:02.

CATVids - film management software with the sample database

provides the main view of six different perspectives on the movie database. The start is always in the video view, the film may actually be sought and found boxes. Each box consists of one or more media, where content is stored. An overview of all video content from the database, see the "View Contents"

Besides these two main views there:
  • "Explorer View" - browse database
  • "Loan View" - Overview of all those friends. movies that borrowed
  • Lookup View "- Provides insight into various lists (people, media formats, etc.)
  • " Want List View - All movies have been marked as required
In addition, there are a whole range of " Additional Views "and it can also define your own views.

is the first start of CATVids equal open the help. It is also recommended to study this important detail in order to master the program quickly.

The layout of the main window consists of the main menu, various toolbars, the view selector and the contents of the currently selected view.

With the "Explorer View" you can easily sift through the entire database. It begins with an initial view of the database. In addition to a summary can be found here also various search functions. By searching or clicking on one of the options you can work your earnings over lists of the boxes to the content.

CATVids on the home page of the Explorer view

The contents of the other views is similar. The top of the other views, there are four drop-down boxes. The first, the layout is determined by the view that the sorting and the second with the third filter can be enabled for the view. By the fourth drop-down box is set up is determined by which attributes of the classification tree below.

setting options of the views

The found elements of the view are listed in a table. The selected item is then presented in a concise form in the last element.
for all data entry usually open fully customizable dialogs, which also may well stacked.

CATVids is based on a Microsoft Access database. There are available for almost all movie information, appropriate data fields and tables. There are also some placeholder to adjust for additional data. Who is killed by the large tables and data fields of the software has the ability an-/auszuschalten each data field. This allows the film properties reduce to a minimum. More clarity in the Dialogues

database setup - for example, to show or hide fields

input has already been mentioned that the software series and movies support. Unlike other tools, such as "All My Movies" CATVids the developers have created a hierarchical data model with the single "discs" in "boxes" can be accommodated. In each "disc" can again be saved "segments". If for example a TV series on DVD Season based results in a box with the title of the series and Sub-disc with the sub-segments of each episode.

hierarchy of content on the example of "Alienbox" (4 CDs, each with a film segment)

segments also contribute information on how Viewed as a state, an assessment and game time information on the media. For example, for video cassettes, the time span of a segment can be stored.

Any avid movie collectors can prevent data loss in which he is using the backup feature of CATVids. In addition, a database can be protected by a password before others.

Another useful Function is to transfer a CATVids database into another. This title can be imported from an external database into another. In this case, all or transferred by the user selected title subset.

transfer dialog for Datemabgleich between different databases

film create
New titles in two different CATVids species are created. First, complete manually and the other via the Internet update. The Internet update CATVids the developer, the title of the data refer IMDb and Amazon . The IMDb is used for general content data of a title, and Amazon for concrete data format of a medium. In contrast to "eXtreme Movie Manager the software is not able to extract data from an existing format movie file.

To create a title using Internet update will open a dialog in which the movie title or UPC (English Universal Product Code) of the medium can be entered. In addition, a drive can be located DVD will automatically scan for a title.

After Title or enter UPC was start the online update. In the same Dialogue at the top of results for video and put in the lower range results for track information ready. take in both lists, the user has the correct choice. Was searched by UPC, explicit results will be. Then starts the data import, which invests the film and stored in the database.

dialogue to title search on the Internet with the results for "The Termiantor"

Manual creation of a title begins with an empty Movie Properties dialog. At this point, the developers were consistent, in that the film collector must manually enter all the film properties. There is no Internet updating. In paragraph database was already mentioned that CATVids managed Movies / Series hierarchy. Accordingly, the user must create not only the title but also the individual "discs" and "segments". "Segments" in turn, once created, can be updated to the Internet.

Blank Film begonenner title input dialog with a movie

The report function can be of CATVids very quickly create charts and cover for the CD / DVD collection. In addition to the extensive range of supplied templates can own report templates with the integrated report designer to create. The resulting document can be viewed as a preview on the screen or printed out in various file formats like PDF, Excel, HTML, images, rich text or plain text to be exported.

report designer with a template for all movie details

Each report is generated from one of the different views. The data can be further customized by filtering, sorting and grouping. Depending on the view in various report designer, customizable report elements.

preview with the above shown a design template

additional components
CATVids has an architecture for additional components with which the software can be expanded to include the missing features. For example, there is the additional component CATVids importer. By CATVids Importer allows an existing movie collections from the programs: DVD Profiler v2.4 and v3, eXtreme Movie Manager v5 , Movie Collector v5 and Movie Library import v1.4.

CATVids is the first of our tested software, the series exactly the same treatment as films. This is it possible to evaluate a single episode of Season series or seen as a highlight. The software is flexible enough to operate that almost all the video stores or libraries. The flexibility provides for Heimanweder however, a major hurdle is dar. Despite extensive documentation of the users of the endless adaptability of the software slain.

For data fetishist is CATVids the right caliber for the occasional administrator CATVids is, in our opinion a Number too large. Looking at the films in CATVids secondary.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Short Term Memory Loss 50 First Dates

Movie Collector - Review

Today we have looked Movie Collector of Collectorz.com closer.

The software is available in the standard edition for € 24.95 or € 39.95 for the Professional Edition for Windows or Mac OS. In the "Standard Edition" lacks some extra features such as: different export possibilities of the film collection, integration with Windows Media Center, database statistics and the distribution system.

The Movie Collector Software

Matching the software on the website as a barcode scanner Bundles offered (right on the edge of) the Pro version. As an option, the software can be ordered on CD and a Priority Support will be posted. The offer is rounded off with a membership of "Collectorz.com Connect" . There can be for $ 39.95 annual fee, the national film collection online managed and synchronized, if necessary with the desktop client. In addition, the online movie list for strangers to be released.

The layout can be freely designed be. The program is essentially always consists of 3 elements: folder view, list and detail view. The arrangement of the elements will be placed in different layouts. In addition, the user interface has been translated into many languages.

Movie Collector is an alternative layout with

in a folder view presented starting from the name of the database is a tree view. The folders under the database node are created automatically by categorization of a selectable feature film. Each film is divided again into so-called "discs", which in turn can contain series episodes.

In addition, there is comparable to the Windows Explorer list. Here the content is displayed in the folder view of the selected object. As a form of representation can be chosen between a tabular list or thumbnails.
example, make movies, series, episodes and box sets different types of objects dar. Each object type has its own column configuration in the list.

  • In the list, the columns shown for each selected object context and in so-called sets of fields put together.
  • thumbnails of the movies / series will automatically cover art adjustable in size generated. The other objects are unfortunately presented with the same tag and therefore can not provide aid to navigation.

disc icon in the image display

The third view shows a detailed view of the movie currently selected movie. For this view by the user can select a template.

detailed view of the film "The Godfather"

movie information, in contrast to other programs in the Film Database Movie Collector by its own Online movie database provides. The online database is kept up to date Movie Collector users. This can include information and images on films and series. Meanwhile, there are 98 000 movies with over 130,000 DVD editions in the database (as of 08/09/2009).

The database model of the movie database is fixed. There are all film and media pre-defined information shown. The user is however possible, the names of data fields to change. The data type is immutable. Also, can indicate whether a track has already been seen. This only works for the entire title, resulting in series of problems. All properties in a "Film Editing" dialog can be edited. can

"Edit Movie" dialogue of the movie "300"

An existing database will be saved as any file, which is very easy to back up data. In return, can load any database.

The developers have also created interfaces to legacy film collections. Movie Collector can import motion of the programs My Movies and DVD Profiler .

create film
New movies can be inserted in two ways in its own database. First, is the creation of film titles and the other via the creation via barcode scanners.

The application is advertised via tracks on the product page with three easy steps. First you choose from the menu to add a movie. Then a complex film form appears with several riders. The user needs to enter the movie title and may conduct a search in the house here. Then, a result found the editions presented. The user must choose the right edition. Simplified it is confirmed by a quick preview Title with all the details. Was the correct edition found it can be inserted; ready. As of now, the new film is ready.

create dialogue in the film properties when creating a movie

's a new movie via barcode scanner works almost automatically. The bar code of the DVD to be scanned only. Then open a result window that results include only a movie. The condition is that the scanned DVD edition available in online data bank. Then the user must assume the movie just by pressing a button in its own database.

With a special Bar Code Scanner (Opticon barcode scanner) can create the software also films in batch mode. But first, all films are collected with the scanner. Then the scanner to the USB port is connected. In the software immediately opens an Import window that represents the scanned bar code. With one click, all Filmeigeschaften be identified and included in the database.

If you buy more than one film in a collection box or keep it in such a, so the films can be summed up with this feature in the film administration. This is entered in the appropriate box the name of the box. Then can be the boxed sets, like all other lists to edit. This Movie Collector also offers the possibility of pictures, add the date of purchase, etc..

The printing, paper catalogs, CD / DVD covers and movie cards are created. The selected films can first re-sorted and then printed again with a programmed layout or a template.

The Print dialog

The Print dialog also offers the usual print functions, such as page setup, preview and editable headers and footers.

for printing and HTML export of the details used templates. From the manufacturer's website, various templates be downloaded.

Based on XML can also create your own templates. With an XSL transformation, the internal XML structure into an HTML document is converted and then displayed together with stylesheets and images.

print preview of a CD cover from the film "Cloverfield"

For people who only manage DVD and Blu-Ray Disc movies Movie Collector is a good movie database. Series Friends will miss the opportunity to comment on the evaluation of individual episodes, or simply as seen to be marked.

Movie Collector databases can be saved and indeed any load, but it is impossible for two or more databases to be compared with each other. This feature would be for the comparison among friends quite interesting.

's own Collectorz.com Movie Database provides is impressive. The software is thus not to Import-Skripte/Plugins foreign online movie databases need, which can be related movie information very efficiently. Unfortunately, we have noticed that are represented in the online database mostly English titles.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camera 111025 W Drivers

All My Movies - Review

All My Movies is a film and series management program for Windows. According to the manufacturer, the program runs under Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 The management software can be purchased for $ 44.95 .

There is also a free 30-day trial version to try. This has two limitations. It may not have a movie database to be created and the HTML export The film collection is limited to a simple layout. That did not stop us from the software in the current version 5.5 to test on a Windows XP system.

After the trial was launched, a turn-off start-up dialog. The dialogue contains information about the test version, is the possibility the full purchase software that allows the viewing of an online learning film and allows it to start the program. With every start appears switched off, "Tip of the Day" dialog.

The reference screen of the trial

All My Movies: Main window of the application

Design / Layout
The program interface has been translated into many languages and is divided into two main areas. Links is by default, a film list. Right, with the most space portion, a film card view. A toolbar is positioned at the top of the menu. The layout can be varied in the settings between vertical / horizontal: movie film list above the map below.

All My Movies: Alternatives horizontal layout

The film list typically consists of two columns icon and movie name. In addition, the film list as cover list, virtual closet or groups are represented. The movie overview can be sorted freely, for example by: Title, film number or rating. The group view is based on a selectable feature film. The virtual cabinet view supports different layouts.

available for the movie card also provides several layouts. Many views of the software were implemented via HTML templates. This keeps the system very flexible so you can create your own layouts.

The toolbar includes a quick search, various database features various film functions and program settings.

By and large, the surface is very clear and functional.

The system uses a binary database format. In the event of data loss, the database can be backed up. It can be any number of databases created and inserted into each other. In addition, a database can compress and password protect. Unfortunately you can not compare different databases.

movies are recorded with all the fixed properties. Among other things, cover art, the truth values "wish list" and "seen" with a 5-star or scale score of 0 - 100, a site selection and a Do link. Films have a valid Do you have -Link can automatically update with the Do rating be upgraded.

addition to the existing fixed data fields can be custom defined. The software supports two types of fields. Not typed text and binary fields splats. Text boxes appear in the movie card information. Each splat is assigned when creating a color. If a splat in a film set to True, the film is replaced in the film list the color. This can depict some useful semantics.

Film Export
With All My Movies can entire film collection to be printed. The process opens a print dialog to choose in which a print layout. With a built-in editor to create your own print layouts.

preview of the printed film collection with standard layout

The embedded print layout editor

The film collection can be exported in the following formats: HTML, CHM, pure text, PDF, movie card pictures for mobile terminal and e-mail. The HTML and CHM export will open a dialogue in which an HTML layout and data fields of the film be selected for export. For the text-only export the data fields to choose. The PDF export using the aforementioned print dialog.

The movie map image export is configured with the type of track selection, target path and formats, including resolution. Target path can be either a fixed path or, if specified, the directory to be the movie file of a movie.

The mobile export could not be tested since we no PDA with ActiveSync support was available.

Exporting via e-mail makes use of the CHM export advantage and created an e-mail with CHM file attached.

Film Import
A film list can be imported with the following functions: CSV, Excel and a search of a drive. The CSV and Excel Import opens a dialog in which the identified data fields of the file are presented. Each column is assigned a semantics. After that, the import process can be started.

films can also be imported from one drive / directory. In the source is either looking for files with defined extensions or sub-folders. The film's title is determined either from the directory or file name. Unfortunately, the program can no more be summarized CD movies.

editing the film card
The editable movie card dialog is the heart of the film administration. The dialog consists of five or six tabs. The sixth tab contains your own data fields and will be shown if they were defined in the database. Each tab contains a complex form in the film all categorical properties are stored.

editable map of the movie film "Final Destination 3"

of a button behind the title field, all the film properties will be deleted. Fortunately, all changes will be confirmed with an "OK" button. In addition, with a "Back" and "Next" button to navigate through the movie list without leaving the dialog.

movies be linked with any number of film images and a movie file. If a movie file is selected, the program calculates all the media information like audio / video codec and resolution.

series can be edited with the episodes tab. It can be applied episodes with the consequences. Each sequence can be linked to a movie file. A disadvantage is that an episode or episode can not be marked as a wish or seen.

content of the episode rider on the example of "Futurama"

movies / series that are associated with a movie file read immediately by a Play button in the surface with a Media Player play. The operating system selects the default player to hand the file extension.

A major feature is the online update of the movie data. specify the extent allowed by an import, no title, it must define the user one. After that, place an online update. The online update provides a list available in the various online databases to choose from. By clicking on the desired one of the starts. If the title found in the online database, a list of potential matches. The user must select the correct title. Thereafter, the final information is taken from the online database in the film properties.

list of online databases

search results for the film "The Terminator"

default, the software supports a fixed selection of online databases. The selection can be extended into the plug- additional .

are editable in the film are various map features with selection lists. Specifically, the properties: location, country, genre and media type. A special case are the people (actors, playwrights and directors). Also, a film presented to friends will be discussed later in the text. Even friends are managed in a directory.

The details of the plays Ring "Cameron Diaz" with name list in the background

for the site list, the list of countries, the genre-directory and the media type list is ready, a simple table editor.

The editor for the name and friends list is more complex. For each person there is a detailed view. In the case of the directory it is possible to update the data of a person with an online database. Persons whose details have been completed to be green in the list deposited. Also searches for people and filter by types of people. Creating

addition to the import of films, the strips can be applied to five other species. Core is always the editable movie card dialog.

The creation of a film on the basis of the title begins with an empty movie card dialog. The user defines the title of the movie and then triggers the online update.

An empty movie card dialog

A film can also create comfortable with a movie DVD. The program determines the title of the DVD, and provide the information after a short wait dialog in the movie card dialog dar. It also includes audio / video codec information to be determined. In addition, a DVD can be imported by its barcode. In a bar code dialog can be either a single or import a batch import. Very useful if you want to create a series of DVDs. Has the film on DVD discs are imported to identify up to track and codec data, the rest of the information with the online update. The bar code scans all import movie information autonomously.

A film can also be created with the help of a cover image. This can be loaded from a file or from a scanner. Result is an empty movie card dialog had of how to fill by the user.

The last option is to import a file. The process is virtually a single case of the drive / directory import. The program determines if the format can be read any audio / video codec information, and uses the file name as the original movie title. If the title is true, the rest of the information with the online update to be determined.

Search / Recherche
In the movie title list can be conveniently searched by film title and title fragments with a text entry line. Results are already presented as you type. It is also possible that the film list can be filtered at any time after a genre.

is the equivalent to quick search detailed search dar. In a "film look" dialog to specify text fields in various film properties. If the search is triggered, the film contains a list of all movies found.

search dialog with various criteria

addition, the program offers quick filter. Using a quick-filter, the movie list for fixed and user-defined information fields can be filtered. Is one film to the chosen criterion which appears on the list. For fixed choices are: Wishlist Unseen, Checked Out, Overdue (Rental) and series. Besides, a self-defined information field to be selected.

Possible Quickfilter

film distribution
Film distribution is another very useful feature. A film can be awarded directly from the film list out. It may be the rental period and the borrower can be set.

Hire dialogue, lending and loan period can be chosen

The program also stores a complete Leihhistorie. Shall retain the rental end up getting the big picture. Friends may, in the above-mentioned friend list be managed. Films whose rental period has been exceeded are marked in red in the movie list. In addition, a warning icon. In the movie tickets can view the exact Leihdetails be considered.

The program offers a comprehensive collection of statistics on the film. Shown is the film number, how many films are awarded, number of favorite movies, number of movies seen and the value of the collection. Moreover, in tabular form the following information is visualized: Movies Number on the medium type, genre, year and codec, a list of film and loan Santander Leihdatum and a list of its own data and information fields. Thus loses no interested Movie collector track.

The tabular statistics dialog from All My Movies

The program has a plug-in system, which may be extended. By default, a Ant Movie Catalog import plug-in included. As mentioned above, further on-line databases through plug-ins replenished. A selection of plug-ins is available on the All My Movies website.

All in all, All My Movies is a very useful program for film administration. The Program was often very unstable, appeared during our tests, various error dialogs.
is another problem that the film list in the Icon column always exactly constitutes an icon. However, there are three states which have the effect of an icon: Awarded, Seen and desire. The property was recently influenced by the user defines the displayed icon.
A funny feature is proposing a film which you should look. For someone who can not decide a very useful feature. All My Movies is definitely a good alternative to known management program dar.