Sequences of skepticism (58)
aphorisms to think and to quote:
palaver ended peace.
The lightness of being contrary to the seriousness of life.
simplicity and lie want to be cheated by
not opportunism, but
by liberal goals.
isolated 710
face to face to build facades. Insights open the unseen image of a face.
religious or ideologically complicated sexuality is not to justify biologically, they simply split the mind and leads to the ruin of the medium-term interim people.
Most lies are born out of convenience.
Seen through naivety and banality of stupidity is in danger of hubris of the skeptic and, if the case is more stupidity.
puppets is not necessary to break away from their strings. In the game are very different hands.
Rendition dawns thoughtlessness. Unnoticed wind directed thoughts and achieve at best exceed the amount of critical thinking, maybe the brush border and begin to wander, with a sure step and a wide panoramic view. Not free of subjectivity.
We are, after all!
drops of water falling into the sea or evaporate
and no more.
people dive in the quantity or lonely.
are and then who?
peace promotes sensitivity,
calls subtle diligence.
From the hill I look down - not down - to the places
and find it increasingly difficult to excuse,
"for they know not what they do."
The lack of intellectual capacity, which is non-thinking-will, the real,
the only true and shocking "revelation."
Never again should go out from this land war! The
can you have not forgotten.
No, you lie left as you will be lied to!
are you well? - This is the main thing.
budget resolution: give away, throw away, clear out.
The life that shaped the dwelling,
moves out.
How empty spaces are now the objective, subjective
so full of memories.
This is one of the moments of the brave letting go.
© Raymond Walden,
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancake Mix Make Biscuits
With light and color in the spring
Spring Awakening 2011
Saturday 26th March from 19.00 - 22.00 clock
Sunday the 27th March from 15.00 - 18.00 clock
presentation of the 109 color and light bottles
from the Aura-Soma system.
AURA-SOMA is a natural system,
that the harmonization of body and spirit of our relationship makes intuitive to color.
Saturday: 20.00 clock lecture:
'emergence, development and application of the Aura-Soma Colour / Light bottles'
Angele Long, Aura-Soma Teacher and Director of Just Colour House Berlin (
free admission, donations welcome
Sunday 16.00
Clock ', the already intuitive knowledge of each person
and the embassies of various colors'
lecture and open discussion: Angel Long and Li Koelan.
free admission, donations welcome very much.

Spring Awakening 2011
Saturday 26th March from 19.00 - 22.00 clock
Sunday the 27th March from 15.00 - 18.00 clock
presentation of the 109 color and light bottles
from the Aura-Soma system.
AURA-SOMA is a natural system,
that the harmonization of body and spirit of our relationship makes intuitive to color.
Saturday: 20.00 clock lecture:
'emergence, development and application of the Aura-Soma Colour / Light bottles'
Angele Long, Aura-Soma Teacher and Director of Just Colour House Berlin (
free admission, donations welcome
Sunday 16.00
Clock ', the already intuitive knowledge of each person
and the embassies of various colors'
lecture and open discussion: Angel Long and Li Koelan.
free admission, donations welcome very much.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Used Ice Skate Sharpener Machine
euthanasia - a repressed humanity
The word "euthanasia" is so taboo polluted that it embodies almost deadly explosive. Ideological emotions prevent so far a responsible, based on objective facts, and above all of humanity committed discussion.
An increasingly higher life expectancy is driving increasingly frequent long-term care and infirmity, the increasing life expectancy at age mean individually and socially a long suffering, we will not be fulfilling financial performance of the working generation.
Despite the archaic and modernist displacement mechanism moves the dying, less the death into the focal point of every individual, and who speaks from a liberal-democratic order will not continue to come in the longer term by: "Right to a dignified and pain-minimizing one's own death."
the indispensable basis for this is the right to life, and that a life of dignity, autonomy, liberty and democracy, equality of anchoring, which accepts no ideologically constricting paternalism that originated with an ethic of human dignity with a binding and inviolable value towards all religious philosophies submission.
The tale of gods, ultimately as a guarantor of the disease, belong in the philosophical panopticon.
contrast, human dignity is above all patriotism, above political calculations and commands without Any exception, no one to kill against his will (special case: self-defense.).
This is the only ethic that clearly aligns itself on the individual and not in ideas, ideologies, rulers or fashion - Ethics in the true sense.
The current medical ethics expressed shortly something like this. "Duty of the physician is to cure and not the killing," euthanasia
This is off the table.
Recently, a reluctance creeps into the discussion because they weigh from between "active" and "passive" euthanasia. The active assistance by administering a lethal medicine is outlawed, the passive assistance by terminating life-prolonging Action enters the realm of possibility.
sends While in general for military action as a matter of course and unscrupulous young people to their deaths, they in turn sent to kill, is denied in an obvious hypocrisy incurable seriously ill and elderly craves them death. And this is what die-meaning people in a hopeless situation objectively the gentle mercy to treat, as in veterinary medicine has long been customary.
It can not be, these worthy painless death, citing risks of abuse and by references to the Third Reich did to prevent further criminalize euthanasia.
Given the increasing Scale of the suffering it is the overriding moral obligation of a humane society, to create the appropriate legal and human health safeguards to prevent abuse, as far as possible avoid to get the best pain relief and to pay shortening.
This requires clearly defined set of options available to the free will of every man, with regular written updates during the period of his full mental awareness.
It needs to be established network of decisions, composed of stakeholders (advance directives), relatives, doctors, lawyers, where appropriate, other expert.
A Society that prides itself on the use of Hightec must also use this apparatus to the benefit of sufferers so that meaningless suffering has a decent light end.
Who in his religious faith would rather languish suffering, which may be imposed as consistently otherwise.
It is about nothing less than the self-determined dignified own death. Who asks for active help, must get in a safe social setting.
Everything else is a failure to render assistance.
The word "euthanasia" is so taboo polluted that it embodies almost deadly explosive. Ideological emotions prevent so far a responsible, based on objective facts, and above all of humanity committed discussion.
An increasingly higher life expectancy is driving increasingly frequent long-term care and infirmity, the increasing life expectancy at age mean individually and socially a long suffering, we will not be fulfilling financial performance of the working generation.
Despite the archaic and modernist displacement mechanism moves the dying, less the death into the focal point of every individual, and who speaks from a liberal-democratic order will not continue to come in the longer term by: "Right to a dignified and pain-minimizing one's own death."
the indispensable basis for this is the right to life, and that a life of dignity, autonomy, liberty and democracy, equality of anchoring, which accepts no ideologically constricting paternalism that originated with an ethic of human dignity with a binding and inviolable value towards all religious philosophies submission.
The tale of gods, ultimately as a guarantor of the disease, belong in the philosophical panopticon.
contrast, human dignity is above all patriotism, above political calculations and commands without Any exception, no one to kill against his will (special case: self-defense.).
This is the only ethic that clearly aligns itself on the individual and not in ideas, ideologies, rulers or fashion - Ethics in the true sense.
The current medical ethics expressed shortly something like this. "Duty of the physician is to cure and not the killing," euthanasia
This is off the table.
Recently, a reluctance creeps into the discussion because they weigh from between "active" and "passive" euthanasia. The active assistance by administering a lethal medicine is outlawed, the passive assistance by terminating life-prolonging Action enters the realm of possibility.
sends While in general for military action as a matter of course and unscrupulous young people to their deaths, they in turn sent to kill, is denied in an obvious hypocrisy incurable seriously ill and elderly craves them death. And this is what die-meaning people in a hopeless situation objectively the gentle mercy to treat, as in veterinary medicine has long been customary.
It can not be, these worthy painless death, citing risks of abuse and by references to the Third Reich did to prevent further criminalize euthanasia.
Given the increasing Scale of the suffering it is the overriding moral obligation of a humane society, to create the appropriate legal and human health safeguards to prevent abuse, as far as possible avoid to get the best pain relief and to pay shortening.
This requires clearly defined set of options available to the free will of every man, with regular written updates during the period of his full mental awareness.
It needs to be established network of decisions, composed of stakeholders (advance directives), relatives, doctors, lawyers, where appropriate, other expert.
A Society that prides itself on the use of Hightec must also use this apparatus to the benefit of sufferers so that meaningless suffering has a decent light end.
Who in his religious faith would rather languish suffering, which may be imposed as consistently otherwise.
It is about nothing less than the self-determined dignified own death. Who asks for active help, must get in a safe social setting.
Everything else is a failure to render assistance.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How Much More Daylight After Solstice
Part eight of "Alion Meditations" series has been released!
Yes, it goes on, friends of the peaceful and meditative sounds. The eighth installment of the series "Alion Meditations" is here! After the last part some listeners were rhythmic, comes the new part so completely without drums and knock other things. The whole flows through the magic of the filter and ping-pong echoes pretty quiet and very meditative and quietly. The song was a bit longer this time, that instead of the traditional five minutes this time are about six. Well, what can I say? I would say nothing. And so without further ado, here MUSIC:
and as always, the unbreakable links to
Meditation Eight - LISTEN
Meditation Eight - GET
and as always, the unbreakable links to
Meditation Eight - LISTEN
Meditation Eight - GET
Polish Women With Large Breasts
sequences of skepticism (57)
aphorisms to think and to quote:
dogmas hewn stones of the grave of murdered humanity in the graveyard of civilization.
organized 692
The apparatus is anonymous and allows its administrator to edit up to the letter.
693 fly, as the people follow a halo of light disoriented and fail noisily on a window glass, Tight and rigid.
The inner conflict of the interim law for logical people out of a war in the next, as if even a war had the goal of peace. It's always about the destruction, but at least the disempowerment of those who think and never argumentative for humane culture of debate. The individual is the victim.
The distant Future does not affect us, on the near
picking up speed, accelerating
and speed as a present by the ritardando
in the past.
Being is a singularity,
we not deceive ourselves.
white 697
Some I really better because I am constantly aware of the possible error and its necessary correction.
plan to routinely with any adversity, mitigated the acute, reduces anxiety and gives serenity.
Who in life suppressed deliberately death by him at the end of time all the more harder
raison d'etat taboos designed to kill criticism.
talked to death is quick, say something rash.
Purified heroism in the human interaction is not at war and bloodshed, but rises from the quality and sharpness of mind.
wafts the "just" war as a stupid suggestion of self-righteous warmongers and their thinking incompetent vassals.
"gods", symbolizing the killing of "holy" wars, call (leave), have helped to fight even himself, tormenting the religious peace caused inability of the human race. Gods witness an evolutionary Error, as the present evidence it ever clearer.
The public appreciates the splendor of the flowers, the roots usually remain hidden reckless.
church and brothel represent a religion, the anti-pleasure.
© Raymond Walden,
aphorisms to think and to quote:
dogmas hewn stones of the grave of murdered humanity in the graveyard of civilization.
organized 692
The apparatus is anonymous and allows its administrator to edit up to the letter.
693 fly, as the people follow a halo of light disoriented and fail noisily on a window glass, Tight and rigid.
The inner conflict of the interim law for logical people out of a war in the next, as if even a war had the goal of peace. It's always about the destruction, but at least the disempowerment of those who think and never argumentative for humane culture of debate. The individual is the victim.
The distant Future does not affect us, on the near
picking up speed, accelerating
and speed as a present by the ritardando
in the past.
Being is a singularity,
we not deceive ourselves.
white 697
Some I really better because I am constantly aware of the possible error and its necessary correction.
plan to routinely with any adversity, mitigated the acute, reduces anxiety and gives serenity.
Who in life suppressed deliberately death by him at the end of time all the more harder
raison d'etat taboos designed to kill criticism.
talked to death is quick, say something rash.
Purified heroism in the human interaction is not at war and bloodshed, but rises from the quality and sharpness of mind.
wafts the "just" war as a stupid suggestion of self-righteous warmongers and their thinking incompetent vassals.
"gods", symbolizing the killing of "holy" wars, call (leave), have helped to fight even himself, tormenting the religious peace caused inability of the human race. Gods witness an evolutionary Error, as the present evidence it ever clearer.
The public appreciates the splendor of the flowers, the roots usually remain hidden reckless.
church and brothel represent a religion, the anti-pleasure.
© Raymond Walden,
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Unlock Chipper Jones Backyard Baseball 2009 Pc
New song "Drunken Joe ... in Love" has been released!
Yes, yes, once again reported here on relatively late on a release of a new song. But, well, better late than never;). This is the new song to a reggae production and that the fourth part of the "Drunken Joe" saga. The whole thing started in the year in which the alionsonny project in 2004 with " Drunken Joe on his Journey Home" and was in 2005 continued with "Drunken Joe at the Dancehall" and 2006 "Drunken Joe in Space" . Since I was often asked when because it would give a fourth part of the "Drunken Joe" saga. Well, now it's happened. And as I was already informed of listeners, this fourth part is a worthy continuation dar. As always, this part has a story about what our experienced drinking joyous friend. Since the beginning of his journey through the realms of drunken Joe was looking for a female counterpart. The problem was always that his potential partners he was always extremely inferior to drinking strength. Recently he met Josephine now know that after 3 bottles of whiskey will warm up. Joe is nunabsolut happy to have found his true love. Now they fluctuate together through high-proof life. And dubbed this new part of the saga of this high-percentage chance. Enough said! Here is the song:
and here the unbreakable links to
Drunken Joe ... in Love - Listen to
Drunken Joe ... in Love - GET
and here the unbreakable links to
Drunken Joe ... in Love - Listen to
Drunken Joe ... in Love - GET
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Helms Bakery Truck Model
sequences of skepticism (56)
aphorisms to think and to quote:
to approach 678
succession requires open-mindedness, is not the approach in confrontational turn.
"Money does not smell," but oil.
nuclear power emits sustainable then the current is green!
with environmental activism is categorically taps apparently friendly to the good-natured. How it
environmental terrorism.
A majority of copulating with traditional moral and double-charged species testifies consistently over-population and potentiates despair.
product of lobbying and victim:
chancellor and president.
some point, I have taken my life and it changed a bit.
Each devil thwarted his God.
tax as long as waste is not punishable, should tax a similar interpretation of the law Interpret.
The President of the carnival itself is Ernst-August Biedermann.
And the dark painted out and rehearsed scenarios call religion. The hallucinatory
illuminations do not originate the light of enlightenment, not
the light of the understanding, the joy of life, emancipation,
not human dignity.
silence is too often the crying phenomenon of fear, helplessness, of abandonment. But the fraud.
presence fleeing from myself, so we need the perspective of future development.
© Raymond Walden,
aphorisms to think and to quote:
to approach 678
succession requires open-mindedness, is not the approach in confrontational turn.
"Money does not smell," but oil.
nuclear power emits sustainable then the current is green!
with environmental activism is categorically taps apparently friendly to the good-natured. How it
environmental terrorism.
A majority of copulating with traditional moral and double-charged species testifies consistently over-population and potentiates despair.
product of lobbying and victim:
chancellor and president.
some point, I have taken my life and it changed a bit.
Each devil thwarted his God.
tax as long as waste is not punishable, should tax a similar interpretation of the law Interpret.
The President of the carnival itself is Ernst-August Biedermann.
And the dark painted out and rehearsed scenarios call religion. The hallucinatory
illuminations do not originate the light of enlightenment, not
the light of the understanding, the joy of life, emancipation,
not human dignity.
silence is too often the crying phenomenon of fear, helplessness, of abandonment. But the fraud.
presence fleeing from myself, so we need the perspective of future development.
© Raymond Walden,
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bird Seed Ornament Glue
astronomical point
As the oldest and exact science of astronomy is very useful to define also the location within the human universe. With increasing research opportunities is obvious that the man cosmic law is meaningless.
has probably the human brain is not enough capacity to ever tap into the cosmic whole; too gigantic to face the rooms, time spans and complex dar. developments from this to be recognized modesty is derived but also a far from supernatural pettiness range orientational possibility, because we are to understand vast connections yet to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
Childlike, naive conceptions are terminated in this manner, liberation from ideological and religious coercion regimes takes place, silly and yet unsettling, suspend mandatory dependencies even in esoteric postulates. The interplanetary and near-Earth space in terms of delivering improvements in quality of life, such as the galactic intergalactic basic research refined the methods of scientific work and planning.
kosmonomes A self-purchases the above-mentioned relationships here and now on the daily life, with the claim that the natural life of hostility and adversity for the individual to mitigate the human being equal work for all people as comfortable as possible. Kosmonomie deliberately leaves existing power structures and mentalities in favor of exploitation of the greatest general knowledge from which insights can finally ripen, which are not imposed by ideologies or dogmas. Based generally on human rights is considered a development of basic democratic principles as necessary, as currently existing democracies have, at best, illusory character, because they are still the profit and power conservation of specific, sensitive as the latter's privileged groups.
Kosmonomie not subject to the party principle, but the effort own decision-making power of the individual from his self-published. argue
Kosmonomen and proselytize not when the opponent will not develop intellectual independence, as gods and Unterwürfigkeitsstrukturen can not easily be replaced by occasional discussions.
The only compensation which can provide the Kosmonomie is a practiced humanism, does not understand the majority of people so far. In addition to its own stability Kosmonomen need a lot of patience.
This article is from my book "Human faith," novum-Verlag, 2008, and also appeared in the international magazine Contemporary Literary Horizon No. 6 / 2010 in English and Romanian.
As the oldest and exact science of astronomy is very useful to define also the location within the human universe. With increasing research opportunities is obvious that the man cosmic law is meaningless.
has probably the human brain is not enough capacity to ever tap into the cosmic whole; too gigantic to face the rooms, time spans and complex dar. developments from this to be recognized modesty is derived but also a far from supernatural pettiness range orientational possibility, because we are to understand vast connections yet to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
Childlike, naive conceptions are terminated in this manner, liberation from ideological and religious coercion regimes takes place, silly and yet unsettling, suspend mandatory dependencies even in esoteric postulates. The interplanetary and near-Earth space in terms of delivering improvements in quality of life, such as the galactic intergalactic basic research refined the methods of scientific work and planning.
kosmonomes A self-purchases the above-mentioned relationships here and now on the daily life, with the claim that the natural life of hostility and adversity for the individual to mitigate the human being equal work for all people as comfortable as possible. Kosmonomie deliberately leaves existing power structures and mentalities in favor of exploitation of the greatest general knowledge from which insights can finally ripen, which are not imposed by ideologies or dogmas. Based generally on human rights is considered a development of basic democratic principles as necessary, as currently existing democracies have, at best, illusory character, because they are still the profit and power conservation of specific, sensitive as the latter's privileged groups.
Kosmonomie not subject to the party principle, but the effort own decision-making power of the individual from his self-published. argue
Kosmonomen and proselytize not when the opponent will not develop intellectual independence, as gods and Unterwürfigkeitsstrukturen can not easily be replaced by occasional discussions.
The only compensation which can provide the Kosmonomie is a practiced humanism, does not understand the majority of people so far. In addition to its own stability Kosmonomen need a lot of patience.
This article is from my book "Human faith," novum-Verlag, 2008, and also appeared in the international magazine Contemporary Literary Horizon No. 6 / 2010 in English and Romanian.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Radio Wiring Diagram For A Alpine Cde 9852
sequences of skepticism (55)
aphorisms to think and to quote:
We have only ourselves
and do not understand.
create 664
from existing taste and skill comfort.
"Thou shalt not kill" is an intellectual overload of believers.
kill even excellent.
ad nauseam everything was varied and repeated.
Everything has been said.
We know about the opinions, views things and habits.
appears known everything, even on controversial now Levels
life dissolves into silence by Deja vu.
we only have they earned? Or
becomes ours, because we're worth?
a misstep forgive you;
the second well, the third one is very thoughtful,
the fourth one can get over difficult, the fifth gnawing despair.
I'm talking about me. But it concerns us both.
us all.
My self-confidence, nobody takes me. - But I do.
The snow of yesterday has not been cleared, instead, he piled up and now the ice fronts.
Man does not need a trip to the moon to land in the sea of crises. It is enough to live behind the moon.
sleep peacefully next to me breathing awakens comfortable sympathy.
taboo silence breeds rapidly from the loudest lies.
convincing Global Environmental protection starts with effective birth control.
anachronistic militarism as deadly pandemic raging tortures, the interim people with no prospect of recovery.
snow covers the landscape and the shortcomings of the infrastructure.
© Raymond Walden,
aphorisms to think and to quote:
We have only ourselves
and do not understand.
create 664
from existing taste and skill comfort.
"Thou shalt not kill" is an intellectual overload of believers.
kill even excellent.
ad nauseam everything was varied and repeated.
Everything has been said.
We know about the opinions, views things and habits.
appears known everything, even on controversial now Levels
life dissolves into silence by Deja vu.
we only have they earned? Or
becomes ours, because we're worth?
a misstep forgive you;
the second well, the third one is very thoughtful,
the fourth one can get over difficult, the fifth gnawing despair.
I'm talking about me. But it concerns us both.
us all.
My self-confidence, nobody takes me. - But I do.
The snow of yesterday has not been cleared, instead, he piled up and now the ice fronts.
Man does not need a trip to the moon to land in the sea of crises. It is enough to live behind the moon.
sleep peacefully next to me breathing awakens comfortable sympathy.
taboo silence breeds rapidly from the loudest lies.
convincing Global Environmental protection starts with effective birth control.
anachronistic militarism as deadly pandemic raging tortures, the interim people with no prospect of recovery.
snow covers the landscape and the shortcomings of the infrastructure.
© Raymond Walden,
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Christmas Greetingsfrench
Lifetime glued
Comparing the lives of people around the world, a frightening poverty leads to days, which apparently suggests the much-vaunted human intelligence in the face: Few needy rich man at the cost of billions.
Is it possible to explain something to change, perhaps?
brought Obviously the people's consciousness a permanent conflict of superiority over the animal and the inferiority towards himself, as it gives the meaning of life and, connected directly, not death understand. Thus he becomes the ruler of the animal rigorous and miserable guilty God fearing, the animal's physique and character similarity can not deny.
in not only the unthinking herd mentality manifests actually "inhuman" behavior.
It does not take much sensitivity to figure out that people have varying talents and even more clearly the difference is with regard to education.
The entire scenario can be seen, if not a "disease", then at least a high degree of immaturity. Desperados and other unscrupulous settle down in the chaos, and at least want to get for themselves and their comrades the optimum.
be religions, ideologies, dogmas and taboos, and soon instituted habitually as "ethics" and "morality" too high to keep the people docile and stupefied hearing. Intelligence plays sometimes on all sides hardly an issue, but instead, opportunism and selfishness within the respective established system. The submission will, if necessary, enforced with draconian punishments, and even more in the battle of the ideological-religious societies against each stylized to the highest honor and awards. The murder is ordered to the divine dehumanization, to bankruptcy of the human thinking faculty.
The mass of humanity had never been beyond such sentiments mechanisms, they were practically inherited evolutionary and anchored to the today's modern appearance. Always there were only a few individuals, strong personalities, the other routes into the habit of human thought.
has also changed little so far, determines the presence of archaic and probably the near future with an increasingly technologically technologically based efficiency.
cartels and dictatorships where the intelligence stifle not quite so obvious esoteric fools freedoms work against all reason and against the dignity of man. They call it religion and freedom of thought!
Not untypical occur in a confusion of highly intelligent people who rotate through early education in a circle. Since rebut such as Christians, with the them identical even scientists, astrology using the Bible as if the belief structures, this Zodiac and constellations, where miracles and ascension, do not!
The failure of human intelligence is the delusion of international abstruse, virtually non-existent worlds and in the mirage that the agency otherworldly fantasies together with their histories have something in common with human education. It is merely historical knowledge about how the human race so far deceived himself and deceives.
celebrated with the first encounter of the child beyond - mostly in Christian baptism - the stage is set: the still immature young man is glued, how will naturally not, he is stuck in an imaginary world that is cheating on him about reality.
Such is cheated, he cheats the honest, in the purest, most tragic human spirit: Set-Lifetime.
escape only a few trappers. The so spiritually immature man rages interim dividends.
Comparing the lives of people around the world, a frightening poverty leads to days, which apparently suggests the much-vaunted human intelligence in the face: Few needy rich man at the cost of billions.
Is it possible to explain something to change, perhaps?
brought Obviously the people's consciousness a permanent conflict of superiority over the animal and the inferiority towards himself, as it gives the meaning of life and, connected directly, not death understand. Thus he becomes the ruler of the animal rigorous and miserable guilty God fearing, the animal's physique and character similarity can not deny.
in not only the unthinking herd mentality manifests actually "inhuman" behavior.
It does not take much sensitivity to figure out that people have varying talents and even more clearly the difference is with regard to education.
The entire scenario can be seen, if not a "disease", then at least a high degree of immaturity. Desperados and other unscrupulous settle down in the chaos, and at least want to get for themselves and their comrades the optimum.
be religions, ideologies, dogmas and taboos, and soon instituted habitually as "ethics" and "morality" too high to keep the people docile and stupefied hearing. Intelligence plays sometimes on all sides hardly an issue, but instead, opportunism and selfishness within the respective established system. The submission will, if necessary, enforced with draconian punishments, and even more in the battle of the ideological-religious societies against each stylized to the highest honor and awards. The murder is ordered to the divine dehumanization, to bankruptcy of the human thinking faculty.
The mass of humanity had never been beyond such sentiments mechanisms, they were practically inherited evolutionary and anchored to the today's modern appearance. Always there were only a few individuals, strong personalities, the other routes into the habit of human thought.
has also changed little so far, determines the presence of archaic and probably the near future with an increasingly technologically technologically based efficiency.
cartels and dictatorships where the intelligence stifle not quite so obvious esoteric fools freedoms work against all reason and against the dignity of man. They call it religion and freedom of thought!
Not untypical occur in a confusion of highly intelligent people who rotate through early education in a circle. Since rebut such as Christians, with the them identical even scientists, astrology using the Bible as if the belief structures, this Zodiac and constellations, where miracles and ascension, do not!
The failure of human intelligence is the delusion of international abstruse, virtually non-existent worlds and in the mirage that the agency otherworldly fantasies together with their histories have something in common with human education. It is merely historical knowledge about how the human race so far deceived himself and deceives.
celebrated with the first encounter of the child beyond - mostly in Christian baptism - the stage is set: the still immature young man is glued, how will naturally not, he is stuck in an imaginary world that is cheating on him about reality.
Such is cheated, he cheats the honest, in the purest, most tragic human spirit: Set-Lifetime.
escape only a few trappers. The so spiritually immature man rages interim dividends.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Accutane And Waxing Legs
New Reggae Song "Bullet Proof" has been released!
Once again the new song was actually released days ago, more precisely, 2 days ago. Since here, however, currently some topsy-turvy, such delays are unavoidable, unfortunately. And once again, I note that my modest loyal "followers or friends" on Twitter and Facebook already from the moment knew when the song came into the world. So who is registered with one of the two networks and would like to be informed promptly, it should not fail to follow me or me to your friends list to add.
Despite the lack of main part of the promotion of the song but quite astonishing number of students. It looks as if this is the most successful reggae song I've ever published. I'm really curious how the statistics developed from now.
is Stylistically all located in the Reggae field, namely a stepper riddim with a good portion of Dub. That was also necessary, because if you look at my list of publications, you will notice that The last reggae song of mine "Going Bonkers" was and is already at least half a year ago. As is also becoming clear why my reggae-oriented fans were getting a little restless and impatient;)
The new year is really going on fiercely creative. Almost 2 / 3 of January, have been around and already released three songs. If this continues, it will be a very fruitful year. But I always had a good feeling for 2011 after 2010 for me so was really, really bad. Well, we hope the best.
and again the immortal Links at
Bullet Proof - LISTEN
Bullet Proof - DOWNLOAD
Despite the lack of main part of the promotion of the song but quite astonishing number of students. It looks as if this is the most successful reggae song I've ever published. I'm really curious how the statistics developed from now.
is Stylistically all located in the Reggae field, namely a stepper riddim with a good portion of Dub. That was also necessary, because if you look at my list of publications, you will notice that The last reggae song of mine "Going Bonkers" was and is already at least half a year ago. As is also becoming clear why my reggae-oriented fans were getting a little restless and impatient;)
The new year is really going on fiercely creative. Almost 2 / 3 of January, have been around and already released three songs. If this continues, it will be a very fruitful year. But I always had a good feeling for 2011 after 2010 for me so was really, really bad. Well, we hope the best.
and again the immortal Links at
Bullet Proof - LISTEN
Bullet Proof - DOWNLOAD
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Microsoft Webcam Drivers Vx 3000
A new project
For many years I have had great fun in EVE Online.
Now I want to program a tool for this game. In the first version, it should be possible to determine the exact material and time required to build ships to calculate.
The GUI of the tool is finished as far as I can start to program. Since the GUI is running alone, I write it as a demo for the upcoming tool Online.
The file is packed in zip format and upload to Rapidshare.
For many years I have had great fun in EVE Online.
Now I want to program a tool for this game. In the first version, it should be possible to determine the exact material and time required to build ships to calculate.
The GUI of the tool is finished as far as I can start to program. Since the GUI is running alone, I write it as a demo for the upcoming tool Online.
The file is packed in zip format and upload to Rapidshare.
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The seventh chapter of "Alion Meditations" series has been released!
was actually released this song four days ago and my faithful fellow readers at Twitter and Facebook know this already, unless the noise is all in the eternal stream data set. The reason why visitors to or is all only now learned again that I did something in between and I therefore did not find the time and also that I sometimes wanted to test how the download and listener behavior developed when the promotion is only through social networks.
But now the new song: After about 4 months it was really time period that the "Alion Meditations" series continues. At least the many requests of those who came from those parts which have to date have fallen, left me no peace, and why other projects were first moved. AND WHAT AM I HAPPY ABOUT IT! Somehow I must have on that Day when I "Meditation Seven" recorded exactly the creative inspiration that was needed. The whole song was created within 6 hours and it was again about 2 hours to bring the necessary mix in the right shape and sharpen last unsightly edges. And the work paid off, because the initial reactions were positive, some even quite euphoric. I myself am also very satisfied that the work on this song to me once again provides much inspiration for future works. And here is "Meditation Seven":
and as always the unbreakable links to
Meditation Seven - LISTEN
Meditation Seven - GET
But now the new song: After about 4 months it was really time period that the "Alion Meditations" series continues. At least the many requests of those who came from those parts which have to date have fallen, left me no peace, and why other projects were first moved. AND WHAT AM I HAPPY ABOUT IT! Somehow I must have on that Day when I "Meditation Seven" recorded exactly the creative inspiration that was needed. The whole song was created within 6 hours and it was again about 2 hours to bring the necessary mix in the right shape and sharpen last unsightly edges. And the work paid off, because the initial reactions were positive, some even quite euphoric. I myself am also very satisfied that the work on this song to me once again provides much inspiration for future works. And here is "Meditation Seven":
and as always the unbreakable links to
Meditation Seven - LISTEN
Meditation Seven - GET
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Black Paticles In Urine
The first entry,
start So my new blog.
Maybe I should start but first with me, or better said: What this blog is about?
I currently have quite a lot of time, I decided to learn the programming language C #. So I do not sense only free to write something and somewhere gathering dust on my hard drive, I had the idea but some write "relative" useful tools and programs.
The first tool I wrote myself and would like to introduce here is the calculation of pipe diameter.
It's really simple knit. Simply m3 / h and the desired or expected flow rate in m / s, and is already one of the diameters in mm Issued.
Installation is not required, but the file in rar format packed.
lack alternative the file has been uploaded to my Rapdisharekonto.
start So my new blog.
Maybe I should start but first with me, or better said: What this blog is about?
I currently have quite a lot of time, I decided to learn the programming language C #. So I do not sense only free to write something and somewhere gathering dust on my hard drive, I had the idea but some write "relative" useful tools and programs.
The first tool I wrote myself and would like to introduce here is the calculation of pipe diameter.
It's really simple knit. Simply m3 / h and the desired or expected flow rate in m / s, and is already one of the diameters in mm Issued.
Installation is not required, but the file in rar format packed.
lack alternative the file has been uploaded to my Rapdisharekonto.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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first song in 2011, "Fireworks" has been released! My
Ya, it's done: The first song in 2011 is out. And we rock the same time just right. I am currently doing a new style alionsonny develop. I call it Digipunk so punk in the digital garment. Ok, that sounds all very strongly of Synthpop, but I do still hold. The next part is perhaps a little punky, that sound a bit "dirty". Let's see ...
Incidentally, it was quite a fiasco of the song on my current main platform for music uploads, Soundcloud to upload. Umpteen times I've tried it and get a nice error message that the upload will not work out has and should I make sure that this is an audio file. At first I thought that something would go wrong in the encoding of the MP3. But that would be quite funny if all the other music sites accept the file clean. I then won once uploaded the wav file .. with the same error message as a result. So I wrote to support and got the info that it could be the title because have recently tried again IDIOT any music that is not theirs to upload. Therefore, the filter would reject a lot lately even uploads. In the next mail I was told that the word "Fireworks" was actually in the filter list. I was to rename the song please. So I've renamed the MP3 file in freworks.mp3, as a song entitled "Freworks" specified and voila: it went! Then I just renamed the title of "Fireworks" and everything was fine.
So let's be honest: What's the dirt? Why must any dopey Spinner commercial shit on platforms such as Soundcloud , intended for musicians to upload? Is not it enough One-Click-Hoster for such crap?
Ok, but now everything is all good and the song is for you, as always, for free download and available for listening:
Fireworks by alionsonny
and here the unkaputtbaen Links at where you get the song even if I have to delete it one day because of my limited space at Soundcloud there again
Fireworks HEAR
Fireworks DOWNLOAD
Incidentally, it was quite a fiasco of the song on my current main platform for music uploads, Soundcloud to upload. Umpteen times I've tried it and get a nice error message that the upload will not work out has and should I make sure that this is an audio file. At first I thought that something would go wrong in the encoding of the MP3. But that would be quite funny if all the other music sites accept the file clean. I then won once uploaded the wav file .. with the same error message as a result. So I wrote to support and got the info that it could be the title because have recently tried again IDIOT any music that is not theirs to upload. Therefore, the filter would reject a lot lately even uploads. In the next mail I was told that the word "Fireworks" was actually in the filter list. I was to rename the song please. So I've renamed the MP3 file in freworks.mp3, as a song entitled "Freworks" specified and voila: it went! Then I just renamed the title of "Fireworks" and everything was fine.
So let's be honest: What's the dirt? Why must any dopey Spinner commercial shit on platforms such as Soundcloud , intended for musicians to upload? Is not it enough One-Click-Hoster for such crap?
Ok, but now everything is all good and the song is for you, as always, for free download and available for listening:
Fireworks by alionsonny
and here the unkaputtbaen Links at where you get the song even if I have to delete it one day because of my limited space at Soundcloud there again
Fireworks HEAR
Fireworks DOWNLOAD
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