Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flucillin Capsules For Chest Infction

frown on "frown on the latest from Microsoft since sliced bread "

Ralf Westphal cut wrote on his blog "frown on the latest from Microsoft since Bread, "about the new Reactive Framework (Rx) from Microsoft. First, I wanted to write a comment on his blog. The comment is then turned out a little longer, so I have decided a blog entry with my thoughts on this subject . Leave Ralf calls even to reactions on "Or I see here on the actual invention? Is the brilliant innovation hub by me? I ask for clarification "

So I try but bring some light into the dark.

Where's the problem?

For Ralf, the problem is in this new technology, being a" new vocabulary for something old " must use. According to the motto: Raider Twix now. Sure, if something new has taken an old concept and the new is always associated with the old, of course, the acceptance falls for the new. Does this mean that there is new is bad? I can (still) not judge. Nevertheless, I am new set only once digested.

So what is the old? Ralf for the old is: Complex Event Processing (CEP).

"This is not new, this is not rocket science."

But that is so with most inventions! Somewhere Someone's already invented. The New only looks pretty, "it's just not great new invention since sliced bread, but something long familiar in pimped robe dressed . "Yes, that's probably Sun

" Sorry, there is nothing new to me. When I think in the established paradigm of data flow, that is something very old and can be overcome with today's means. "

Ralf who likes you for everything," his cold coffee. "But wait? Data flow established? Where is your ? In which company is developing the software for this established paradigm asking me but please look at your customers, the participants of the CCD seminars, visitors to a conference audience of your presentations from those who:.

  • has heard of CEP, Esper or CCR?
  • has read an article about CEP, Esper or CCR (from you or someone else)?
  • used CEP, Esper, or CCR-productive in his Buisiness applications?

Answer: almost
Nobody .

That's the problem: For you and a few people that's all water under the bridge (see first comment by Holger croft). For the masses, absolutely new territory.

"Who really wants to try for what you can do with a query language on event streams, then you can play with Nesper"

No Ralf, I will try anything, I want to play not only with it. I want to have this functionality. NET Framework and productive.

Reactive programming in the core. NET Framework be present. This is the new! The establishment is!

What about LINQ

a reminder to Ralf, the problem exists on Reactive Framework is that it all existed before. But what was the same again LINQ?

The concept behind LINQ comes from functional programming (Map, Filter, Reduce). Apparently this was Ralf no or not enough points of contact with the functional programming, that he had associated auto mud LINQ with a long-invented technology. At least Erik Meijer is praised for his "Brain Child" LINQ, but not for his other projects (eg: Volta and Rx).

Functional programming also was not just an academic issue. Maybe you came in studies with LISP, ML or Miranda in touch. Arrived in professional life but it has its data through nested for loops filtered. Because of Map, Filter, Reduce. Although the technology was available but already in. NET (delegates, iterators). Nevertheless, it has not used. LINQ But then came along with a little "syntactic sugar" for C #, a concept established by the functional Programming in an object-oriented programming language such as.. NET And since the concept is enshrined in the Framework, LINQ is even alle.NET based programming available.

Only with LINQ has become the functional paradigm into the mainstream. More and more people use LINQ queries to project to their lists, filter and aggregate. More and more people use lambda expressions for the most mundane things.

vs. Betamax. VHS, HD vs. BlueRay

LINQ has since opened a door, the Reactive Framework do the same and the way in the mainstream find

"flows of course but I have not invented. They are old "... mainstream, it has not been made, as we see. Too bad. Because the steps in a flow increase the evolvability of software, I find "

Ralf, that's exactly what you wish, that the concept finds its way into the mainstream. What technology eventually wins the race plays no role. Whether Betamax or VHS, HD or BlueRay, CEP or Rx.


There have always been inventions that only a small elite sector in industry and research, were opened or accessed. Just because there is a technology in a has found a small area of appeal, one can not say the technology is established. Only if they made it into the mainstream, one can speak of the establishment. LINQ is a great example of an academic topic accessible to the mainstream is.

CEP, Esper and CCR have not been established and will not etablieren.Das Reactive Framework will be established, however. Why? Quite simply, it will be a key component for. NET and therefore accessible and ubiquitous. NET developers. Not a separate tool, not a download somewhere, not play around. It will just be there. It only remains to use it too ...


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