Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How To Put A Camera On A Rc Heli

20 - 21 March

The festival 'Spring Awakening' in the Reuterkiez ( are available in ART-CLOCK following events .

Exhibition 1:'..... and beyond '
Joep Verbeek - Painting ....

processed Inspired by optical aberrations of images from painters 'abandoned' types are in contrasting colors. Supported are the paintings from a collection of possible sources of inspiration.
(photo below - detail)

issue 2: 'Chaos - reset'
Paul Gisbertz - paintings and drawings

in painting and in the drawings, the artist studied in the same way after a chaotic clarity as to a clear chaos. If the mind freezes a person must seek new ways.
(top photo - detail)

Saturday 20 March: 19:00 - 21st Sunday 22:00 clock
March: 15:00 - 19:00 clock

audio (visual) Performances: 'What are you listening to? "
JD Zazie + Sonata Rec

JD Zazie studied sound urban identities and composes new live sound environments from site-specific field recordings.

Sonata Rec Live Musik ist das Projekt von Heidrun Schramm. An diesem Abend verbindet sie mit Klang klassisch Instrument Noise. / sonatarec

Freitag 20. März: 22:00 - 23:00 Uhr
Eintritt: 3 Euro


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