Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where Can I Buy Konad In Stores?

Why I give away my music

Again and again I was in the last six years, since I have music under the stage name alionsonny publish, asked why I ask this as a free download, rather than selling them. These issues were especially true when my financial situation deteriorated extremely. I want the following text to give an answer to it.

First of all: Some evil people assumed at once that the reason would be that my music would be so bad that I always had no chance to sell something. I am of course not agree. What sense would also result to release music because when I even think what I would produce would be bad? Also address the many thousands of downloads of my music is a different story. Because everything I publish in advance instead of one can be downloaded, is also the argument, you would download the music only to the sample, because who charges up a bit on the hard drive, which he regarded as poor by previous listening?

The main reason that I give away my music, is that I am firmly convinced that art and culture should never be absolutely free of charge. The artist has to create for his gift of art paid for nothing and so it is simply disingenuous for the fruits of this gift to necessarily require money. There are many people who can not afford or only bad in music to pay. My opinion is that the decision whether or how much pay a person for music he wants to be left. I once referred to as the "busker of the Internet". I have spent some time as street musicians and felt it to be extremely nice when people I have freely have a donation for my work. I feel this voluntary giving as a much greater confirmation than if I had forced the people with no alternative to numbers.

I also think that if one operates Art of livelihood, creativity, and thus the art itself remains on the track. Take for example the music industry. This is usually published only "what sells". This means that only what to buy a large majority of people is ready to be published. The majority of record companies will produce only an artist under contract, the so-called mainstream music. The judge, who made music under contract and published will decide to experience here, for where you want to know what sells well in the future? It will therefore fall back on experience, which has sold well in the past. But how should arise de music of the future, if you do experience from the past, the measure of all things? I have seen many artists on the basis that this approach often makes promising, creative artists, just the opposite. There are so many bands that started promising creative, then one or two big hits were, and ordered it from their record company after which the future only slightly modified copies of one or two hits to produce. You can not do the record companies even blame them. Record companies are profit-oriented businesses. And that it depends on sales and not on artistic standards and creativity. However, the whole

has a fatal consequence: the music industry has such market power, which is also used consistently, that coming, did not in the music industry contracted artists little chance of being noticed. Is is what is presented on television and radio, etc.. Radio and television stations are also business enterprises and can pay good promotion for artists. And the music industry has done the money to do so. No independent artist can there even begin to . Keep up Independent musicians who already has a million budget for advertising. My favorite comparison is between a poor and a rich merchant in a market that can assist in which the rich merchants an expensive sound system with which it can draw attention to its products, while the poorer trader relies solely on his voice. The products of the poorer trader can still be as good and he may still have such a loud voice. Against the roar of the sound system he just can not. So he remains poor, because buyers do not even perceive it also. Thus
have some of my critics even more so if they say that I had with my music no chance against the overwhelming uniformity of industrial production. I can not keep up with the aggressive and with large advertising budgets, organized demeanor of the industry is simple. I can still do so much to make my music known to the industry will simply put outstanding intense exercise. And sure to be something to it when I assumed I would have capitulated. If I wanted to contest as a musician actually my living with my music, I would bring this one at least at the minimum subsistence income lying. And if this is not the case, making it there for a purpose, ask my audience to be absolutely money?

For this reason, I beg all those who love my music, let me now and then make a donation. It shows me the fact that you like what I do. It is quite easy because, like you can donate via Paypal. Who does not like Paypal, or not use it for any other reason would like, can I transfer the donation also like to my bank account.


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