The tool My Movies was proposed to us by a reader of Do Reviews . Today we want to make the tool more closely.
The personal movie database My Movies is a Java tool. It is available for Windows and Linux for free download. The installation of an extra Java Virtual Machine is not needed. One should only read a PDF viewer for PDF documents to keep the manual handy.
The program interface is at first very clear. A large table with the movies is the center. In addition to the menu, there is still a tool bar and a small preview for the currently selected movie.
screen shot of the My Movies interface
Despite the simplicity of the interface, the tool a wide variety of useful functions that we make here in much detail.
The movie database is fully on the German online movie database (OFDB) cut. This is immediately clear, if you want to register the first film.
There is only the way the movie title or EAN to look at the OFDB to provide a link or write a film OFDB all data by hand.
The search for a title or EAN is very fast. If more films are found, you get a list of films, each with title, cover image and year indicated. The list is sorted alphabetically, however, so you often need to scroll down a bit to find the desired movie. But there can also select multiple movies and that whole film episodes as quickly absorb Terminator 1 through 3 in the database.
The subsequent download the details of the selected films is again almost no lag and is very complete in most films. At the moment it is not possible to change on a movie again transferred to the ofdb. For the individual completing the movie database, file links, comments and their own assessments to be added.
To search for a film holds the My Movies following functions:
- to quickly find movie titles can be sent by clicking the first letter or using the quick search done in the tool bar. As you tap the table is now restricted.
- About the search dialog can be quickly searched for all relevant data and filtered.
- can to facilitate the selection of films, the table can be sorted by a column.
- are available for a sorting according to IMDb, OFDB own rankings or even prepared special rider.
The Ant Movie Catalog Search dialog
as a very useful extra, we felt that the detailed statistics. Apart from the interesting details of the preferred films can also search for specific criteria within easy.
A view of the cover in the movie database is available. There are always displayed all the movies in the order of entry in the database. Filtering and searching is not possible in the view.
The database can be secured, as exporting an Excel document, print, and even export directly to PDF or Web page. All versions include the cover images and all columns of the table. In the exported PDF, each film its own page and a bookmark. The HTML page via Javascript and manages all the files is even searchable. This allows the films quickly send to friends.
Ant Movie Catalog - PDF export is our test database
The distribution function are very impressed. You can register directly from the context menu of a movie the lending. If a film is awarded this grayed out in the collection. In a separate tab is a table with all awarded movies available.
Even if the tool is very extensive, but we noticed some shortcomings.
There is no automated import of information about files, CD / DVD media or barcode scanner. Missing We also have a drag and drop support, for example, to quickly add file references. Bulk import is made possible only by. Csv files with EAN or movie titles.
The IMDb data download did not work with us. After a manual download of the necessary files, updating of the films was very slow (more than 10 seconds per film) and successful in any of our examples.
The tool is restarted at every opportunity. This is especially negatively when experimenting with the settings.
who wanted a simple, robust and fast tool with many features and no frills, one is well advised by the My Movies.