Monday, August 31, 2009

Scion Tc Radio Antenna Amplifier

My Movies - The private film collection at home

The tool My Movies was proposed to us by a reader of Do Reviews . Today we want to make the tool more closely.

The personal movie database My Movies is a Java tool. It is available for Windows and Linux for free download. The installation of an extra Java Virtual Machine is not needed. One should only read a PDF viewer for PDF documents to keep the manual handy.

The program interface is at first very clear. A large table with the movies is the center. In addition to the menu, there is still a tool bar and a small preview for the currently selected movie.

screen shot of the My Movies interface

Despite the simplicity of the interface, the tool a wide variety of useful functions that we make here in much detail.

The movie database is fully on the German online movie database (OFDB) cut. This is immediately clear, if you want to register the first film.

There is only the way the movie title or EAN to look at the OFDB to provide a link or write a film OFDB all data by hand.

The search for a title or EAN is very fast. If more films are found, you get a list of films, each with title, cover image and year indicated. The list is sorted alphabetically, however, so you often need to scroll down a bit to find the desired movie. But there can also select multiple movies and that whole film episodes as quickly absorb Terminator 1 through 3 in the database.

The subsequent download the details of the selected films is again almost no lag and is very complete in most films. At the moment it is not possible to change on a movie again transferred to the ofdb. For the individual completing the movie database, file links, comments and their own assessments to be added.

To search for a film holds the My Movies following functions:
  • to quickly find movie titles can be sent by clicking the first letter or using the quick search done in the tool bar. As you tap the table is now restricted.
  • About the search dialog can be quickly searched for all relevant data and filtered.
  • can to facilitate the selection of films, the table can be sorted by a column.
  • are available for a sorting according to IMDb, OFDB own rankings or even prepared special rider.

The Ant Movie Catalog Search dialog

as a very useful extra, we felt that the detailed statistics. Apart from the interesting details of the preferred films can also search for specific criteria within easy.

A view of the cover in the movie database is available. There are always displayed all the movies in the order of entry in the database. Filtering and searching is not possible in the view.

The database can be secured, as exporting an Excel document, print, and even export directly to PDF or Web page. All versions include the cover images and all columns of the table. In the exported PDF, each film its own page and a bookmark. The HTML page via Javascript and manages all the files is even searchable. This allows the films quickly send to friends.

Ant Movie Catalog - PDF export is our test database

The distribution function are very impressed. You can register directly from the context menu of a movie the lending. If a film is awarded this grayed out in the collection. In a separate tab is a table with all awarded movies available.

Even if the tool is very extensive, but we noticed some shortcomings.

There is no automated import of information about files, CD / DVD media or barcode scanner. Missing We also have a drag and drop support, for example, to quickly add file references. Bulk import is made possible only by. Csv files with EAN or movie titles.

The IMDb data download did not work with us. After a manual download of the necessary files, updating of the films was very slow (more than 10 seconds per film) and successful in any of our examples.

The tool is restarted at every opportunity. This is especially negatively when experimenting with the settings.

who wanted a simple, robust and fast tool with many features and no frills, one is well advised by the My Movies.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Watch Online Peliculas Movies

eXtreme Movie Manager - Part I

The eXtreme Movie Manager (XMM) is a commercial film management program for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista. It can both films and TV series are managed. Localization of the user interface are available for all languages. The Program entry is facilitated by Tutorial Videos . In addition, the software as shareware be tested is limited.

eXtreme Movie Manager v7.0.4.5 main window

Our test was conducted on Windows XP SP2 with the eXtreme Movie Manager in version The operation of the software requires the Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 requires. Thus, the tutorial videos can be viewed, the Camtasia video codec installed. After the program installation is complete, a welcome screen and a language selection window. The language selection window is unfortunately obscured by the welcome message. We choose the language: German.ini confirm. Then open up three windows: the main window, a shareware notice and a short instruction window.

The shareware notice and the Quick Start window will unfortunately obscured by the main window. In the shareware notice, the limitations to be read. Maximum of 50 films and 50 series can be managed with full functionality. The Quick Guide provides categorized window has quick access points for all tasks related to the XMM-film administration. For each category various sub-items are available that explain the features visually and with text. In the main window is when an Internet connection immediately read a notice that an update is available. Finally, we get the main window to the face in a sample database to see is.

The purpose of this first test is the import of films. This provides the XMM a number of ways in which we respond below.

Various types of imports in the short film guide window

First, we try to import a movie via integrated web browser. We choose the Quick Start window "Import via Web browser. A list with all Internet-update scripts. After selecting a suitable script, we Do you have decided on (complete), appears in an integrated Web browser, the web site. We open the IMDb page of "Fight Club". Using the "Movie Info Add" button can be imported movie all property in the database. The process is complete after a few moments.

Internet update of the movie "Fight Club"

Next, we study the film import via manual title entry. It shows "add, edit movie info /" a complex Dialogue. In an extensive menu, there are several tabs, which in turn include individual forms. We enter the movie title and start the Internet update. The Script-import window opens. The user will see a list of all Internet-update scripts. We choose the movie "Fight Club" via Do (complete) to import. After the script has been looking for the film title appears a results window. The result window contains a list of movie titles in which the word "Fight Club" is mentioned. The user must choose the correct title. He is assisted by a movie preview in a small browser window that is updated when track selection. After can the correct title was chosen to start the import process. A few moments later appears the "movie info Add / Edit dialog again with the current information. The user has the possibility of connecting everything to save and dialogue.

script import window with a number of scripts

"Film Information Add / Edit dialog for an Internet-Update

If a film with reference to a file, CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc imported, the program determines film properties such as such as audio / video codec, frame rate, resolution etc.

The third Import Test reading a DVD. This opens a dialog in which the film title and the optional EAN (International Article Number) of the DVD can be entered. Then the drive is selected in the the DVD is located. In our test, we used "The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie" 2-DVD Edition. If no movie titles and no EAN entered, determined to import the film "Amelie" with reference to the DVD. The movie called "Amelie" in the background is inserted directly into the database. The Import dialog is now ready for the next DVD. Film information of the imported films can be completed on previously known route.

films can also be imported by scanning for movie files on disks. This dialog is a scanner used in the directories to be scanned can be added. Also can be set as the program the name of the imported films determined. The recognized movie files and audio / video codec information appears in a list. Include multiple files into a movie, this is usually detected by the software. If an assignment error before this can be corrected manually. Then the found films to be imported into the database. The detailed information must be determined using the known methods.

A list of films can be done using a text import. This opens a dialog of a text window provides. In the text box line by line to movie title or UPC / EAN code (Universal Product Code) to be entered. The dialogue must be configured to: track list or UPC / EAN list. If the list is filled, the entries can be added to the database. Any additional information should be added.

eXtreme Movie Manager is a comprehensive tool that offers a very wide range of functions. After the user has something built into the tools, most of the tasks go well out of hand. The first impression we were with the choices required in the import good and have therefore limited only once. In future blog entries, we will deal extensively with the other features of the tool.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Is A Bladder Untuck

Ant Movie Catalog

The Ant Movie Catalog
is a free program that lets the film's own collection can be managed. The open source software is written in Delphi for Microsoft Windows and is available in version According to the developer Antoine Potten developing the program for an indefinite period has been paused. The publication of the program version 3.5.1 is back 2 years. The tool is still actively supported. It started almost 8 years ago project serves a variety of open source media administrations as a model, eg Moviefly , Eax Movie Catalog .

design and layout
The program interface is divided into three main segments. In the upper left area is a view of all stored movies placed. The films can be as simple list or table are presented. They can also be categorized according to selectable film properties.

the right of the movie list is a form with the data of the currently selected movie. Each film may be associated with an image which is displayed in a freely adjustable image preview.

The interface has been translated into over 30 languages.

Ant Movie Catalog v3.5.1.2

The database records movies with a fixed, predetermined schedule. The movie catalog can either be stored in a proprietary binary format or as XML. For the interested film collector keeps the program provides a comprehensive statistics about the contents of the catalog. With regard to film properties can be specified bar and pie charts are considered.

The database can be either registered or exported. There are following options: SQL, CSV / Excel, XML and Origone . In return for exporting various formats can also be imported. The import includes the following sources: CSV / Excel, Ant Movie Catalog database (both formats), eXtreme Movie Manager, BaseDVDivx, Origone , Microsoft Access database and DVD Profiler .

Furthermore it is possible to manage any of the program to many Ant Movie Catalog databases. These can be flexibly loaded and stored.

Film Import
films on a Command on the surface are inserted into the database. The program offers the possibility of film data to determine automatically from the Internet or manually. The automatic detection does not always reliable and in most cases requires an intervention by the user. It is also possible to use movie files on a film record. In the case of audio / video codec, bitrates, resolution, frame rate and file size is determined. The program can make a film title with configurable Web addresses on the Internet found, for example, can the Do to search for the film.

online data reconciliation
The Ant Movie Catalog offers the possibility of movie information from the Internet with the Ant Movie Catalog Database match. This will put a plug-in available system that invites Object Pascal scripts and running. By default, the program contains over 230 scripts which implement an adjustment with sufficiently many online movie databases. If the script determines the correct film, it can complement or replace film properties. Furthermore, all scripts are placed via an online update feature to date.

script editor for data synchronization scripts

The film management software also offers the option to print film properties. It included flexible printing templates on which movie lists and even DVD / CD covers can be printed. All templates can be customized in a layout designer and create new ones.

have to give users who like movies to friends and acquaintances the opportunity to manifest this in the database. It can be applied via borrower can name and give them a
appropriate film can be assigned.

Unfortunately allows the lending function, no dropping of additional data such as date of loan. Moreover, no history is stored. It is not possible to know which person has borrowed something.

The program is supported by an active forum frequented. There are 23 813 articles and 2399 registered users there are (as of: 20.08.2009 18:51 clock). The forum is a good starting point for using their own data synchronization script to write.

The Ant Movie Catalog is a solid and simple to use tool for managing your movie collection. Particularly noteworthy is the integrated script editor and printing templates. Unfortunately, the program can not associate a locally existing movie files with the database. Moreover, the film can not be compared with the catalog catalogs of friends. A wish list does not exist as well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keri Hilson Wear A Weave

OFDB - online movie database

one addiction with the help of Microsoft's Bing for the term "Movie Database" is the first result to the O nline F ilm d ata b ank, short OFDB available. Also Google yields the same result (as of 18.08.2009).

The OFDB is a German movie database, which is active for the past 10 years. Behind the project is a civil law from Bremen, Germany. A total of 81 072 members registered on the site (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock).

content can come up with the database 175 174 237 782 movies in versions (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). In contrast to Do is saved for each film has a large collection of different versions. For example, be shown the differences between various media and special packages.

The functionality of the site is dependent on an existing user account. Features include:
  • research in film database
  • creating movie reviews (registration)
  • rankings
  • Disc Area
  • registration of new films / versions (registration)
  • film review (registration)
  • shop (purchase with registration )
  • Marketplace (purchase with registration)
  • manage your own movies (registration)
  • Forum
On the home page each visitor upcoming movie launches, birthdays and film news will be presented. Has one of a user account can be selected from four different website designs.

film database
The OFDB offers three options for the Find by movies. In the first variant can be selected a pre-defined genre. Then all the movies are available. Which films are included in the search is not apparent.

Is the research at hand in the genre insufficient, can be searched for specific publications. It can be prepared for all kinds of film properties with different criteria (eg, title, genre, country of manufacture, Actor, release, version, indexed). The amount of scanned films containing available and future movies.

is the last variant, the targeted search. Scans all the movies or "My Movie Collection." The useful search criteria are a subset of the 2nd Search variant dar. My movie collection can also be taken only with an existing user account.
pornographic content can also be searched by an optional age verification by the operator. The rating is determined by the operator and not only by the FSC rating of films.

is for every film provides a comprehensive detailed view. All film properties are presented in categories. Each film also contains a link to view the Do . Unfortunately, no specific discussion in the film forum possible. It must be changed manually until the forum to participate in an appropriate contribution. The user has an account, he can rate a movie or give a critique. The OFDB thus has its own rating scale for movies.
Here are some examples:
All movies, reviews, actors, genres, directors and users can be represented in rankings. For each topic, there are several charts with different criteria. For example, to search for the most popular or best film or after the user with the most films.

Disc Area
in the disc area can be searched for media. It takes into account existing and upcoming movies. Thus, it is to learn as possible when the latest action flick in the Blu-ray format will appear. Searches can be by giving the appearance labels, period and format or by specifying the appropriate film properties, similar to the movie search.

shop / marketplace
The OFDB operates its own online-shop can be purchased in the movies. If the visitor has an account, it may decide in a movie detail view for the purchase of the product. Interested persons who can make friends with films used in the marketplace have the opportunity to browse for bargains. Each user is able to offer its films for sale (if applicable laws be met). can

movie collection
Does it have a user account to his own films or for which you are interested in managing. The functionality is divided into a movie and wish list. If a film to the film collection, a choice between property or wish to be taken. In addition, movies can be added to the list that are not present in the OFDB . This makes it possible to insert as an amateur film project.

motion can be published free of charge through an address on the Internet. The address can be passed on to friends and acquaintances. There is no OFDB account required to view the list.
's own movie collection can be stored locally on the computer through an export function. The procedure for exporting a PDF document or CSV file. The PDF document even includes album covers. The format of the CSV file based on a fixed element order. It can also specified items are added. The export makes it possible to import the movies into other programs or websites. The counterpart of the export is missing. It can not be imported films.

Each user can subscribe to reviews or versions of a particular movie or a selected author. As soon as a review or a version change, something new is added or deleted, the subscriber receives an e-mail.

The OFDB -Has a forum where everything can be discussed about films. There are now 559 187 posts in 22 546 subjects in the forum (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). Forum members are active in 8665 (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). The forum will be used actively and covers all film-specific areas of interest.

The OFDB is an information-rich, current movie database for the German speaking dar. The operators and the users update the site constantly. The export of your own movie collection is a very useful feature. However, there is no import function.

would be on the design and the user guide in our opinion, necessary improvements. For example, by a more consistent menu control and harmonious colors. So it came during our research several times to ensure that menu items / actions were difficult to find. For example, the logout link in the layout very difficult to identify.

addition, operators should consider optimizing the OFDB software and / or the server structure. If the page is used extensively in the high latency internet connection is very disturbing.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Duro Acoustik Soundproof

IMDb - The Internet Movie Database

The premier source for movie information on the internet I've become to the offer of Do ® (The Internet Movie Database) carefully. The database is operated by Amazon .

The service describes itself as:
"The biggest, best, most award-winning English-language website to Film and television on the planet "(Source: )
" Visited by over 57 million movie and TV lovers each month "(Source: http://us . / )
fact, can be found on the website almost all ever filmed movies and series, the associated actors, summaries of the film content, ratings from the community and more.

Here are some examples :
The Do ® is available in three specific countries: U.S. , UK and Germany limited the German-language page. to movie information and DVD sales on Amazon. discussions in the forum are as good as any place. The UK and U.S. sites offer a much more extensive range. The message board is about current films lively discussions. In addition, the operator of the current movie listings, including ticket sales and TV program guides to.

Any interested consumer can get a free movie Create account. With the help of the account may be assessed on all versions since films, comments are submitted, and even database errors are corrected.

on the U.S. and UK side can even own movie lists are managed. Each list is designated as a category. Thus, for example, desired and manage already-seen films. Each list can be published on the Internet. This way I can imagine my DVD archive of my friends easily. Unfortunately, there is no export or import functions.

In summary, we come to the following conclusion: The Do ®
is probably one of the most comprehensive sources of information for movies in Internet. Too bad only the German version is out to be so poor. The absence of an import / export function makes it difficult to create their own lists and possibly even to use offline.

for a search for a movie night to use the ® IMDb is limited, because the film can not simply lists of friends combined.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Financial Audit Forms

concerns and intentions

Hello Dear visitor,

other day we met up again with some friends for a movie night. Everything was going great, it was plenty and very good food for all. The selection of a good film but took a long time.
a film that up just yet was considered a favorite, but now someone had seen it. For those who do not know, no one could convince me right.
found after some time, very annoying search and some false starts, then finally a suitable film. The evening ended but still very nice.

I wonder if there is not anywhere on the Internet a suitable tool / website that tackles the above issue date.

should go in this blog is now a matter of finding the perfect film management. We are tools and websites to analyze and share our experiences with you.