one addiction with the help of Microsoft's Bing for the term "Movie Database" is the first result to the O nline F ilm d ata b ank, short OFDB available. Also Google yields the same result (as of 18.08.2009).
The OFDB is a German movie database, which is active for the past 10 years. Behind the project is a civil law from Bremen, Germany. A total of 81 072 members registered on the site (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock).
content can come up with the database 175 174 237 782 movies in versions (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). In contrast to Do is saved for each film has a large collection of different versions. For example, be shown the differences between various media and special packages.
The functionality of the site is dependent on an existing user account. Features include:
- research in film database
- creating movie reviews (registration)
- rankings
- Disc Area
- registration of new films / versions (registration)
- film review (registration)
- shop (purchase with registration )
- Marketplace (purchase with registration)
- manage your own movies (registration)
- Forum
On the home page each visitor upcoming movie launches, birthdays and film news will be presented. Has one of a user account can be selected from four different website designs.
film database
The OFDB offers three options for the Find by movies. In the first variant can be selected a pre-defined genre. Then all the movies are available. Which films are included in the search is not apparent.
Is the research at hand in the genre insufficient, can be searched for specific publications. It can be prepared for all kinds of film properties with different criteria (eg, title, genre, country of manufacture, Actor, release, version, indexed). The amount of scanned films containing available and future movies.
is the last variant, the targeted search. Scans all the movies or "My Movie Collection." The useful search criteria are a subset of the 2nd Search variant dar. My movie collection can also be taken only with an existing user account.
pornographic content can also be searched by an optional age verification by the operator. The rating is determined by the operator and not only by the FSC rating of films.
is for every film provides a comprehensive detailed view. All film properties are presented in categories. Each film also contains a link to view the Do . Unfortunately, no specific discussion in the film forum possible. It must be changed manually until the forum to participate in an appropriate contribution. The user has an account, he can rate a movie or give a critique. The OFDB thus has its own rating scale for movies.
Here are some examples:
All movies, reviews, actors, genres, directors and users can be represented in rankings. For each topic, there are several charts with different criteria. For example, to search for the most popular or best film or after the user with the most films.
Disc Area
in the disc area can be searched for media. It takes into account existing and upcoming movies. Thus, it is to learn as possible when the latest action flick in the Blu-ray format will appear. Searches can be by giving the appearance labels, period and format or by specifying the appropriate film properties, similar to the movie search.
shop / marketplace
The OFDB operates its own online-shop can be purchased in the movies. If the visitor has an account, it may decide in a movie detail view for the purchase of the product. Interested persons who can make friends with films used in the marketplace have the opportunity to browse for bargains. Each user is able to offer its films for sale (if applicable laws be met). can
movie collection
Does it have a user account to his own films or for which you are interested in managing. The functionality is divided into a movie and wish list. If a film to the film collection, a choice between property or wish to be taken. In addition, movies can be added to the list that are not present in the OFDB . This makes it possible to insert as an amateur film project.
motion can be published free of charge through an address on the Internet. The address can be passed on to friends and acquaintances. There is no OFDB account required to view the list.
's own movie collection can be stored locally on the computer through an export function. The procedure for exporting a PDF document or CSV file. The PDF document even includes album covers. The format of the CSV file based on a fixed element order. It can also specified items are added. The export makes it possible to import the movies into other programs or websites. The counterpart of the export is missing. It can not be imported films.
Each user can subscribe to reviews or versions of a particular movie or a selected author. As soon as a review or a version change, something new is added or deleted, the subscriber receives an e-mail.
The OFDB -Has a forum where everything can be discussed about films. There are now 559 187 posts in 22 546 subjects in the forum (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). Forum members are active in 8665 (as of: 18.08.2009 13:20 clock). The forum will be used actively and covers all film-specific areas of interest.
The OFDB is an information-rich, current movie database for the German speaking dar. The operators and the users update the site constantly. The export of your own movie collection is a very useful feature. However, there is no import function.
would be on the design and the user guide in our opinion, necessary improvements. For example, by a more consistent menu control and harmonious colors. So it came during our research several times to ensure that menu items / actions were difficult to find. For example, the logout link in the layout very difficult to identify.
addition, operators should consider optimizing the OFDB software and / or the server structure. If the page is used extensively in the high latency internet connection is very disturbing.
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