The eXtreme Movie Manager (XMM) is a commercial film management program for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista. It can both films and TV series are managed. Localization of the user interface are available for all languages. The Program entry is facilitated by Tutorial Videos . In addition, the software as shareware be tested is limited.
Our test was conducted on Windows XP SP2 with the eXtreme Movie Manager in version The operation of the software requires the Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 requires. Thus, the tutorial videos can be viewed, the Camtasia video codec installed. After the program installation is complete, a welcome screen and a language selection window. The language selection window is unfortunately obscured by the welcome message. We choose the language: German.ini confirm. Then open up three windows: the main window, a shareware notice and a short instruction window.
eXtreme Movie Manager v7.0.4.5 main window
Our test was conducted on Windows XP SP2 with the eXtreme Movie Manager in version The operation of the software requires the Microsoft. NET Framework 2.0 requires. Thus, the tutorial videos can be viewed, the Camtasia video codec installed. After the program installation is complete, a welcome screen and a language selection window. The language selection window is unfortunately obscured by the welcome message. We choose the language: German.ini confirm. Then open up three windows: the main window, a shareware notice and a short instruction window.
The shareware notice and the Quick Start window will unfortunately obscured by the main window. In the shareware notice, the limitations to be read. Maximum of 50 films and 50 series can be managed with full functionality. The Quick Guide provides categorized window has quick access points for all tasks related to the XMM-film administration. For each category various sub-items are available that explain the features visually and with text. In the main window is when an Internet connection immediately read a notice that an update is available. Finally, we get the main window to the face in a sample database to see is.
The purpose of this first test is the import of films. This provides the XMM a number of ways in which we respond below.
Various types of imports in the short film guide window
First, we try to import a movie via integrated web browser. We choose the Quick Start window "Import via Web browser. A list with all Internet-update scripts. After selecting a suitable script, we Do you have decided on (complete), appears in an integrated Web browser, the web site. We open the IMDb page of "Fight Club". Using the "Movie Info Add" button can be imported movie all property in the database. The process is complete after a few moments.
Internet update of the movie "Fight Club"
Next, we study the film import via manual title entry. It shows "add, edit movie info /" a complex Dialogue. In an extensive menu, there are several tabs, which in turn include individual forms. We enter the movie title and start the Internet update. The Script-import window opens. The user will see a list of all Internet-update scripts. We choose the movie "Fight Club" via Do (complete) to import. After the script has been looking for the film title appears a results window. The result window contains a list of movie titles in which the word "Fight Club" is mentioned. The user must choose the correct title. He is assisted by a movie preview in a small browser window that is updated when track selection. After can the correct title was chosen to start the import process. A few moments later appears the "movie info Add / Edit dialog again with the current information. The user has the possibility of connecting everything to save and dialogue.
script import window with a number of scripts
"Film Information Add / Edit dialog for an Internet-Update
If a film with reference to a file, CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc imported, the program determines film properties such as such as audio / video codec, frame rate, resolution etc.
The third Import Test reading a DVD. This opens a dialog in which the film title and the optional EAN (International Article Number) of the DVD can be entered. Then the drive is selected in the the DVD is located. In our test, we used "The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie" 2-DVD Edition. If no movie titles and no EAN entered, determined to import the film "Amelie" with reference to the DVD. The movie called "Amelie" in the background is inserted directly into the database. The Import dialog is now ready for the next DVD. Film information of the imported films can be completed on previously known route.
films can also be imported by scanning for movie files on disks. This dialog is a scanner used in the directories to be scanned can be added. Also can be set as the program the name of the imported films determined. The recognized movie files and audio / video codec information appears in a list. Include multiple files into a movie, this is usually detected by the software. If an assignment error before this can be corrected manually. Then the found films to be imported into the database. The detailed information must be determined using the known methods.
A list of films can be done using a text import. This opens a dialog of a text window provides. In the text box line by line to movie title or UPC / EAN code (Universal Product Code) to be entered. The dialogue must be configured to: track list or UPC / EAN list. If the list is filled, the entries can be added to the database. Any additional information should be added.
eXtreme Movie Manager is a comprehensive tool that offers a very wide range of functions. After the user has something built into the tools, most of the tasks go well out of hand. The first impression we were with the choices required in the import good and have therefore limited only once. In future blog entries, we will deal extensively with the other features of the tool.
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